The company

Our innovative philosophy

We strongly believe in service quality differentiation to surpass customers expectations as the key success factor to be prioritized, ensured by a continued innovation process


To provide a complete, safe, optimized path for incoming foreign companies to the Brazilian market, (1) fully supporting the decision making process since its early beginning, at their pre-setup an setup phases in the country, (2) providing the most complete and integrated service portfolio at the highest quality possible and (3) deliver it in the most efficient, ethic, sustainable, environment friendly, social, healthy and safe scope possible.


Through our customers perception, to be an absolute reference of credibility, integrity and sustainability on the process of optimizing the creation of innovative business opportunities, while building excellence on managing a wide integrated scope of high-quality humanized services.


  • Competence & Responsibility;
  • Integrity & Credibility;
  • Leadership, Teamwork & Comunication;
  • Continued Innovation;
  • Results Oriented & Target Focused;
  • Customer Success Driven;
  • Humanization, Ethics, Respect and Social Development oriented;
  • Sustainability, safety, health & Quality of life.


One stop service shopping

A complete service portfolio, for fully supporting the startup (and pre-startup) phases of any incoming foreign company interested in securely paving its way into Brazil. Anticipated access to many very attractive long-term perspective business opportunities and eventually immediate access to a flow of deals, that can quickly leverage the development of your company in the country. Business development integrated to its respective Regulatory, Legal and Administrative scope, into one single coordinated approach


MEREGE is a Ltda service company created in 2007 under the Brazilian law and based in Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil.

The company is also registered at CORE-RJ (Conselho Regional dos Representantes Comerciais do Rio de Janeiro –, and so is its responsible executive, Mr. Celso Merege. Such a status allows its principal to personally work for any foreign company through MEREGE Ltda, on a safe legal way, from the Brazilian Labor law perspective, as long as the contract is signed with the company and not with the individual.

MEREGE Ltda´s main activity focus, from a variety of approaches and perspectives, is to advise and support any incoming foreign corporations on its process of establishing or deciding if establishing its subsidiaries in Brazil.

As a natural sequence, MEREGE Ltda also provides way to an extensive and diversified reliable support service list along the customer start-up phase in the country. Using a creative and innovative approach, MEREGE Consulting has  been raising significant results for its customers, providing a successful entry in the Brazilian market at reduced costs and in shorter time.

Typically, most of the related customers eventually uses their Brazilian subsidiaries as its Latin America Headquarter. At this point, MEREGE Consulting would expand its service offer to cover the LATAM countries where those particular customers have specific interest on. From a consultant perspective, the scope of service package would combine direct and indirect services covering all aspects of its settlement, such as (but not limited to):

  • Marketing analyses services;
  • Viability study services;
  • Taxes implication study cases;
  • Regional Business Plan design services;
  • Accounting services;
  • Financial service;
  • Regulatory services;
  • Legal & Paralegal services;
  • Technical services;
  • Developing services;
  • Operational services.


Count on the widely respected & experienced reputation. Benefit on the already established large regional network of high-end executive business relationships. It all conquered by MEREGE Consulting partners along the last 2 decades, through serious and consistent work done by its partners.

When deciding to address any regional Market inside Central America, South America and/or the Caribbean, find a paved way to access your potential customers and feel the difference of working with high-end professionalism and velocity in the Latin American markets.

Experience a quick match making process to reach out for the key decision makers at most key regional corporations or subsidiary of key foreign corporations, along with an efficient access to any governmental entity at the Federal, State and/or Municipality levels.

Be sure to be accompanied by a local firm that represents you all along using an ethical, knowledgeable and agile way.

Re-enforce your corporate image by tuning it to a local company image that recognizes, respects and exercise the same behave & values that your company does.

Start right now to reach out to a whole new world of business opportunities.


Experience a quick match making process to reach out for the key knowledgeable professional individuals within the region for the best available application support in the key regional markets of LATAM.

Count on our widely respected & experienced reputation. Benefit on the already established large regional network of high-end executive business relationships. It all conquered by MEREGE Consulting partners along the last 2 decades, through serious and consistent work done by its partners.

When deciding to address any regional Market inside Central America, South America and/or the Caribbean, find a paved way to access your potential customers and feel the difference of working with high-end professionalism and velocity in the Latin American markets.

Be sure to be accompanied by a local firm that represents you all along using an ethical, knowledgeable and agile way.

Re-enforce your corporate image by tuning it to a local company image that recognizes, respects and exercise the same behave & values that your company does.

Start right now to reach out to a whole new world of business opportunities.


It is essential to know how to select the value aggregation factors in a way to raise the potential of its individual contributions, building a solid, complete band flexible value added chain.

Your company´s solutions need to be aggregated to the right factors, at the right moment and through the right way, so their value would be highlighted and multiplied along the chain.

A wisely built value aggregation chain may make it viable for each involved individual factors the acces to a business opportunity that otherwise they would never be able to reach.

When deciding to address any regional Market inside Central America, South America and/or the Caribbean, find a paved way to access your potential customers and feel the difference of working with high-end professionalism and velocity in the Latin American markets.


Count on the widely respected experience of MEREGE Consulting Partners to identify your value added chain positioning, while defining the right and more relevant attributes of your company, your products and /or your services to be highlighted before the desired markets.

Tune in synergy with the local market and its related needs, oriented by someone that deeply knows the trends and needs through local and cultural peculiarities.

Let us show you which attributes to highlight, to whom and when they should be highlighted.

We will help you to drive your company to properly address the market using a creative and innovative approach, properly communicating with the influencers and decision-makers of the customer companies, along with all the other involved stack holders.

Be sure to be accompanied by a local firm that represents you using an ethical, knowledgeable and agile way.
